Look around you and you will see the fact that there is a growing islamophobia, led by the media and other puppets in some hands.
This is totally insane in the society we live in today, where freedom has to be high priority, no matter what religion, colour or origin you are.
To have a fobia for something is unhealthy for the societies and human-beings. It only helps the few on the top to get their goals done and this on the cost of your freedom of knowledge !

That is why we set up this campaign, to lessen the growing islamophobia. We are sending one or more free Qu'ran to you. So you do not have to get your knowledge by the telivision or internet and maybe get fooled, but read it by yourself from the source itself. We want to make people aware what really is written in the Holy Qu'ran and what Allah really has to say and is saying.

 Contact the following e-mail adress if you want a free Qu'ran on your address.

We will send the Holy Qu'ran as soon as possible so you could free your mind quickly.

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